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The Best Keyless Entry Systems

Keyless entry locks are becoming more and more popular. Homeowners are switching to keyless entry locks for their home locks all the time now. Electronic lock models of all kinds are now available to the general public to purchase for their home. Not too long ago, electronic locks were primarily used for businesses. Keypad and combination locks, for example, have been used in businesses for years. Now, homeowners can use similar technology to secure their homes.

Why Keyless Entry?

Technology has helped our society make extraordinary advances when it comes to medicine, science, and of course, security. The invention of electronic and keyless entry locks is part of the great, technological era we are living in. The traditional locks and keys we have been so familiar with for centuries are now becoming obsolete. It is strange to think that, someday not too far from now, keys may be unnecessary due to chip readers, thumbprint readers, and other electronic devices that are becoming increasingly popular.

Homeowners and business owners choose keyless entry locks for a wide variety of reasons, but primarily because they are more reliable and secure than traditional locks. They are also way more convenient for both business owners and families. Businesses do not have to worry about cutting individual business keys for all of their employees or replacing keys if and when they get lost. Replacing and cutting keys can get expensive, especially if a business experiences high turn-over. Having some sort of keyless entry lock device makes it so that employees do not have to carry around keys in order to access certain doors or parts of the building.

Families love using keyless entry locks because they never have to worry that one of their children will lose a key or misplace it somewhere, resulting in a needed key change or lock replacement. Some keyless entry lock devices even allow you to customize your locks to the point where you can set timers for when the locks will lock or unlock. With added security, increased safety, convenience, and peace of mind, it is obvious why keyless entry locks are well-suited families of all kinds.

Types of Keyless Entry

There are three main types of keyless entry locks that you will find on the market today. There is some variation within these three categories and various lock brand makers will have different features and capabilities inherent to their specific brand. For the most part, however, you can count on keyless entry locks having one of the lock types listed below.

Keypad or Combination Locks

Keypad and combination locks are the kind of keyless entry lock devices that you are most familiar with. Businesses have been using keypad and combination locks for years and it is likely you see them all the time. Smaller businesses, like gas stations and coffeeshops, may even use keyless entry lock devices on restroom doors. This allows workers to verbally give customers an access code for the restroom, without needing to hand over a physical key. It also prevents non-customers from using the bathroom for unauthorized purposes or taking advantage of it.

Smart Locks

Advertisements for smart locks have been popping up everywhere in recent years. Smart locks are specialized keyless entry devices that connect to one’s smartphone instead of using a physical key. Instead, homeowners can open an application on their phones in order to lock and unlock their doors and perform other security functions remotely.

With how attached we have all become to our smartphones, these kinds of locks make sense for a lot of homeowners. Keeping track of and managing a large household is much easier with smart locks. Even if you do not have a large family, have smart locks may be an upgrade that will not only help increase your home safety, but your peace of mind, too. You will never have to worry about forgetting to lock your doors ever again. With smart locks, you can check from your phone if any doors are still unlocked and lock them right from your phone, no matter where you are.

Biometric and Fingerprint Locks

The most expensive and sophisticated keyless entry locks are known as biometric and thumbprint readers. These locks require a specific identifier on one’s body, such as a thumbprint or retina scan, in order for users to be allowed access. While not all homeowners or businesses will need systems this secure, they may be appropriate for some property owners, depending on their security needs.

Installation: Call an Expert

If you have decided keyless entry locks will be a good way to help you and your family increase your security, that is great! You can benefit right away from keyless entry locks by receiving a professional installation from a certified locksmith that has experience with keyless entry and electronic lock installations. Certified locksmiths do not just work with traditional locks and keys. In fact, they can install, program, repair, and upgrade electronic and keyless entry locks of all kinds.

Even though some electronic lock models can be purchased directly and you may be tempted to install them yourself, this is not recommended. You should always work with an expert, especially when it comes to upgrades that involve your home security. It is worth it to invest in the expertise of a professional and work with someone who can make proper and precise installations you can rely on.

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