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Increasing Home Security when You Live Alone

Do you live by yourself? If you are a single occupant in your home or apartment and spend the majority of your time at home in solitude, your safety must be taken into consideration. Living alone is a great option for many, especially if one can afford to do so. Not having to worry about roommates or living with other people can be a luxury. However, living with others does afford us certain perks, especially when it comes to our personal safety. If you live alone, without the help of others there to watch your back, you will need to take certain precautions to increase your security and help protect yourself and your home.

Consider Security Upgrades

If you own a home, security cameras are a great upgrade that can help you feel safer. With various security camera option available, you do not have to worry too much about breaking your budget in order to have them installed. Some models only record movement, thus saving on space and only recording what is necessary. Whatever level of security you need or your preferences, you are sure to find a security system that fits your preferences.

Smart doorknobs and locks are a popular option for homeowners these days. These electronic type locks are far more secure than standard deadbolt locks. First and foremost, they eliminate the need to use a key to enter one’s home. Instead, a proximity reader of some sort or keypad combination can be used to enter the locked door. Fumbling with your keys while attempting to unlock your front door, especially at nighttime, can leave you vulnerable to an attack. With the quick and easy offered by electronic locks, you will not have to worry about wasting time and potentially coming face-to-face with an attacker. A couple of seconds may be all it takes to save your life and get you safely behind your door in time.

Another security upgrade you might want to consider are flood lights that have motion-sensor detection. These lights are typically placed on the sides of one’s home, near garage doors, and elsewhere to help illuminate pathways. Anytime someone is walking near your home or within a certain distance of the flood lights, they will automatically turn on. The light itself may be enough to deter intruders and criminals approaching your home, since they can easily be seen and detected.

Install an Extra Lock on Your Doors

If you are in an apartment or already have security cameras and floodlights, you can add extra locks to the entrance and exit doors to your home. Latch and chain locks are affordable options for any residential property. These types of locks can usually be installed without too much hassle by the homeowners themselves. After installation, they are immediately able to be used. Chain locks are a good option, especially if your door does not have a peephole. Be sure to talk to your landowner or property manager first, however, before making any kind of installations. Some apartments have particular restrictions when it comes to adding locks to apartment doors. You will want to make sure you are in compliance with your housing contract before adding or taking away any locks previously installed.

Check Your Apartment or the Rooms of Your Home Upon Entering

When you first enter your home, even if there appear to be no signs of forced entry, always check the rooms of your home. It is always possible that someone could have broken in through a window in another room or on another floor. Checking the status of your home before getting settled in will eliminate the possibility that you might be caught off guard by someone lurking and waiting for you to return home.

Minimize the Fact that You Live Alone

If you live alone, do not make yourself an easy target by making it obvious that you live alone. Make sure your home is well lit and that you keep your curtains closed. Also, be extremely careful regarding the information you give out online via social media. Through tracking one's IP address and clever hacking, it can be easy to find an individual’s address. Even narrowing down one’s location based on social media posts and profiles alone is fairly easy. Use caution when telling others that you live alone or mentioning when you are home alone. Protect yourself by keeping your social media profiles private and keeping your location hidden.

Be Hypervigilant

Living alone is a major responsibility. Being more aware of one’s surroundings is almost always required when it comes to solo living. You will need to take care to not let your guard down. When walking to and from your home or apartment, especially at night, do not allow yourself to become distracted or occupy your time looking down at your phone. Keep your head held high, walk with confidence and key in hand, making sure to look behind you and at your surroundings periodically. Scanning the area is critical to make sure no threats are headed your way. Being hypervigilant does not mean living in fear; it means you are turning your attention to the present moment and are prepared to face potential danger. Being prepared should make you feel empowered, not fearful. You might benefit from taking a self-defense or other similar class to help you gain more confidence in your ability to protect yourself.

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